Forum Discussion

deflemm_292038's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 17, 2016

webgui issues - BIG-IP 12.1.1 (0.0.184)

Hi, we have issues accessing the webgui of one of the 2 BIGIPs in the HA cluster.


SSH access works fine all the time, the https access does not work.


Crazy : if i do a "tcpdump -i mgmt port 443" on the CLI, then the webgui works okay, not good but okay.


I tried to boot from another Boot Location with 12.1.1 (2.0.204), same problem there.


I rebooted it several time, tried a "bigstart restart httpd tomcat", nothing helps.


The other BIGIP works very well.


Thanks in advance and KR




  • You might want to check the file permissions on the /var/log/ partition.

    With my own LTM this turned out to be the issue.
     chmod 0755 /var/log
     tmsh restart sys service tomcat
  • the OP doesn't mention anything about some accounts working an others not. it also works when performing a capture, which makes things even stranger.


    are you sure you don't have IP conflict? perhaps with the AOM interface?


    have you tried connecting to the GUI on a self IP?