Forum Discussion

donmunyak's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 18, 2024

vscode ucs save edits

When using the vscode extension 'The F5 Extension' to view a local UCS file, I can search and analyze the objects with great ease.

However, I cannot save any edits. I keep getting a warning message stating:

Failed to save app.conf; Unable to write file /app.conf (Unknown(FileSystemError): Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open /app.conf)

I was hoping to use vscode to edit bigip_base.conf without unpacking, using vi, then repacking.

I even tried editing the file permissions prior to opening the UCS
> chmod 666 file.ucs

  • Is there something I'm missing or miss-understand, ...or
  • Is this not possible?

Apple Mac: Sonoma 14.5
Externsion: Last updated, 2024-04-17, 16:43:43



  • You might try editing the bigip.conf file directly and then loading that once you have saved your edits. I believe the appropriate command would be the following.

    load sys config

    That command should have some output to your screen after the edits to show everything that has loaded. You need to be extremely careful when doing this because formatting could really mess things up when reloading the configuration.

  • Thanks everyone...

    What I have been able to do, and works fine on a BigIP, extract to a folder '/shared/tmp/extracted.'

    Use ssh remote explorer, from vs-code, to remotely edit ./config/bigip.conf (etc.)