Forum Discussion

Jan_Tore_266917's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 01, 2016

VPN SSL Inbox client for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows Mobile 10

Hi, the inbox SSL VPN client has disappeared from the Windows Store for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10. This is a critical app for my customers VPN-connection on that platform!


When will it be available again?


Jan Tore


  • Can you check under the "General" section, for the Developer Preview version, and click "Get App" on that page from a WP8.1 device?


    It should switch to the Store App and provide the Win Phone 8.1 version. The trouble may be that we use the same App ID for the Win10 and Win8.1 version of this, even though they are different apps. The Win10 one is not yet finalized.


  • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Can you check under the "General" section, for the Developer Preview version, and click "Get App" on that page from a WP8.1 device?


    It should switch to the Store App and provide the Win Phone 8.1 version. The trouble may be that we use the same App ID for the Win10 and Win8.1 version of this, even though they are different apps. The Win10 one is not yet finalized.


    • Jan_Tore_266917's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi, thanks Lucas, I can google the app and when I click on the link it takes me to the app in the store. But it should appear when I search for it in the store (both in 8.1 and 10). Also I'm using the Business Store for Windows for the 10 Mobile devices, and the does not appear in search results there either. Btw. any timeline for the final version of the Win10 app?
    • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
      Historic F5 Account
      Agreed. We're still researching this issue, so will have further information soon. We've assigned ID 596776 to the missing search results from the MSFT Store. Are you upgrading to Win10 when you noticed this, or is it a WP81 update?
    • Jan_Tore_266917's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thank you very much! I discovered it while testing devices beeing upgraded from 8.1 to 10, and on new devices preinstalled with 10. Did a check in 8.1 Store and found the same issue there.