Forum Discussion

Sean_Lonning_29's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 20, 2016

Virtual LTM syncing to Physical Viprion 2400

I'm new to the whole virtual F5 instances running on ESX hosts so please bear with me. I need to get a number of virtual F5's running 11.6 to deploy their configuration on a new Viprion 2400. I've read about the .UCS file that you would load onto the physical device to do this, but why wouldn't it work if you put the virtual into the same device trust domain and try to sync it that way? I read it doesn't work but has anyone tried this and ensured it doesn't work? Does anyone know of a good guide for doing the virtualization to physical besides the one step I read on here? Either way I'd like to know the approach so I can test it out before moving production systems. Thanks!


  • You don't want to use a UCS as that has no merge options; it completely replaces the config on the device. It's also designed to be used more as a backup for the device on which it was created (in the event of a problem or change rollback), and is tied to it in large part. A device group is not the way to go either.


    You probably want to use an SCF to replicate configuration data from your BIG-IP VE systems to the VIPRION 2400, without completely replacing the existing VIPRION configuration data either. (Think VLANs, self IPs, etc.) You can take an SCF backup of the running configuration on the VEs, edit them to eliminate the configuration data you don't want on the 2400, then load/merge them onto the 2400.


    Check out these articles for more info on replicating configuration data from one BIG-IP system to another:


    SOL13408: Overview of single configuration files (11.x - 12.x) -