Forum Discussion

Sli_85735's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 20, 2015

Viprion 2400 _ running 2 X 2250 Blades

Hi All,


I have a few questions;I am currently running 2 2250 Blades in 2400 Viprion Chassis and they are currently in an active cluster and Blade 1 is master and Blade 2 is "standby".


  1. Can I run 2 separate environments with this design, basically have Blade1 run APP1 only and Blade 2 run APP2 only?
  2. Is it possible to break the cluster between 2 blades in 1 Chassis?
  3. Is it possible to have 2 blades in 1 chassis exist as standalone ( no fail-over between blades)

Thanks in advance.


  • i believe this mainly depends on how you got this configured, with vCMP you can do a lot of what you want, are you using that?