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kimhenriksen's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Apr 06, 2021

vcmp ha pair resource (cpu/memory) upgrade procedure..

Hi I am working on doing a resource upgrade (add more cpu/memory) on a vcmp ha pair. Tried to find some good info about best practices, but I´ve come up dry.. So, I am thinking of doing it just as ...
  • Chause1's avatar
    Apr 09, 2021

    As mentioned in the guide you will need to move the guest into the configured state before allocating resources.


    Do a tail on ltm log and grep for vcmp then move the guest it to the configured state.

    Look for VS_STOPPED->VS_INACTIVE, this indicates that the guest has stopped.


    You can then allocate the resources.


    There should not be any issues with regards to HA but as always take a UCS for both host and guest.

    I also do not see why you will need to move it to forced offline.

    You will not be changing any configuration of the configuration objects on the device.


    Once resources are allocated move the guest back into the deployed state and you should be good to go


    Again do a tail on ltm and grep for vcmp.

    Look for VS_STARTING->VS_RUNNING, your guest should be up and running again.




    1. Backup host and guest UCS
    2. Tail ltm log on the host for vcmp (tail -f ltm | grep vcmp)
    3. Move guest that will be allocated more resources into configured state
    4. Look for VS_STOPPED->VS_INACTIVE in the ltm log (Shows guest is down)
    5. Assign resources
    6. Move guest to deployed
    7. Tail ltm log on the host for vcmp and look for VS_STARTING->VS_RUNNING (tail -f ltm | grep vcmp)


    Hope this helps


    *Please note that these are the steps that we followed on our Viprions*