Forum Discussion

bigipjr28_13978's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 13, 2014

using tmsh commands in tcl script

Hey all,


I am new to the community as well as f5 technologies in general. Ill give a synopsis as to I am looking to accomplish by using a tmsh script.


At my company we do site switches where we fail over applications depending on work thats be done at DC or another. And at times we have failover close to 70 applications. My question is if I was going to use for instance the tmsh cmd:


modify gtm pool members modify { :https { disabled } } modify gtm pool members modify { :https { enabled } }


In a script how would I got about adding it to the script?


Also, I created a test.tcl file in my home directory and executed (Active)(tmos) run cli script but couldnt find the file. How would I execute it?




  • This is the commands you need, tmsh::create see the examples for how to use it. There is likely a default directory for TMSH scripts otherwise specify there full path. The full list of these commands can be found on the tmsh page.