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cgaines22_14499's avatar
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Jan 24, 2017

Use F5 Python SDK to Create Node with Pool in Separate Partition

I have seen multiple samples on creating a pool and loading a member in that pool. I have looked at the "; for creating nodes but so far I am not getting the idea. Is there a way using Python Rest or Python SDK to create a node in the common partition with no pool? After the node is loaded I will then take that node and use it in a pool/s but the pool/s are in different partition.


  • This code will add a node to the Common Partition. Once the node is added in common it needs to be added to two different Partitions. For example below adding it to one different Partition. I have read this before but when running "update" the old information is removed and the new is added. How can I append the new to the old using the SDK?


    Get Started

    from import ManagementRoot


    Connect to the BigIP and configure the basic objects

    mgmt = ManagementRoot("", "admin", "somepassword")


    Add New Node

    mynode ='', address='', description='12345avc', partition='Common')


    Now figure out how to add this node in different pools Load an existing pool using "load" command "CL-COM_SELFSERV" is Partition, "pool1" is existing pool

    pool_a ='pool1', partition='CL-COM_SELFSERV')


    Members (.191 was in pool already and want to add .192 and it removed .191. I need both to stay.

    pool_a.members = ''


    Complete update to pool (When using "update" It removes everything and then adds in new member.



    So when adding new member to a pool it wipes out the existing members. I then tried




    but received error:


    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in pool_a.members.append('') File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\f5\bigip\", line 125, in getattr raise AttributeError(error_message) AttributeError: ''>' object has no attribute 'members'



  • Up front: I'm very new to the SDK. My efforts so far have only focused on querying the device and reading state. I haven't practiced much in the realm of creating or modifying objects.

    The pool members are a sub-collection under the pool. You can get the sub-collection:


    which will return a list of member objects. It looks like you're trying to pass just a string, where the collection of members is actually a list of member objects. Rather than botch the nomenclature, I found a decent starting example in the docs. Look about half-way down in the coding example on this link for an example of creating new pool members:

    Managing LTM Pools and Members via the F5 SDK

    Sorry I can't give you a more concrete example but hopefully this will help give you a start until someone with more experience on the SDK can fill in any other details.

  • To add an existing node to an existing pool:

    pool ='Common', name='mypool')
    pool.members_s.members.create(partition='Common', name='mynodename:80')

    The secret sauce is in the overloaded name argument - it is really "node_name:service_port".

    The above adds an existing node called "mynodename" to the pool and sets its service port to 80.

  • To add an existing node to an existing pool:

    pool ='Common', name='mypool')
    pool.members_s.members.create(partition='Common', name='mynodename:80')

    The secret sauce is in the overloaded name argument - it is really "node_name:service_port".

    The above adds an existing node called "mynodename" to the pool and sets its service port to 80.