Forum Discussion

strummer5150_88's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 28, 2009

URI Parse with Siteminder Authentication?

Howdy All, Devcentral rookie and i-rule novice so bear with me. I have a situation where I need to parse incoming URI's based on application name such as /aspx/app1, and /aspx/app2, etc. All of the apps are on two physical servers and share the same IP. The kicker here is the users must authenticate with Siteminder which issues a 302 for authentication before hitting the app. Is there a way to create an i-rule to parse based on the response as parsing on the request never sees the authentication piece? All logins contain /Login.fcc? within the URI if that helps for something to key on. So I need to allow for this authentication, an then based upon response data which is in the header not the body, then allow the load balancer to parse the URI to send to the appropriate pool, i.e /aspx/app1 to app1 pool, etc. This is all SSL and we are terminating the SSL on the front side and utiliziing a server side SSL profile as well.



Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly apreciated!!



  • Thanks for the eye and the feedback Aaron. Yes, I do need to validate the siteminder response prior to pool selection. I'll peruse the article you attached and with some community support I'll take a stab at this and update accordingly. Thanks again I sincerely appreciate your assistance.


