Forum Discussion

  • Since the effect was seen in 14.1.x, you should check to make sure that the directory /var/log/journal exists, for use by "systemd-journald".

    drwxr-sr-x. 3 root systemd-journal 4096 Apr 29 00:09 /var/log/journal

    Otherwise, the system may try to use "/run/log/journal", which can cause slowness.

    (This does not apply to earlier releases.)

  • I upgraded a VE instance from to and it's been a complete disaster.


    The performance of the server has rendered it completely unusable. I am doing my best to revert back to v13.


  • I have done it on a system with a very minimal config, and had no issues.


    F5 recommends that you read the release notes for 14.1 which is HERE and the upgrade guide for 12.1 HERE.


    Also, it wouldn't hurt to read the "Fixes and Known Issues" page on 14.1 located HERE.


    Just because I had no issues doesn't mean you won't though, so good luck!


    Hope that helps! If it does please up-vote and select this answer, it'd be greatly appreciated!

