Forum Discussion

Ben_Skolmoski_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 14, 2006

Unable to import SSL Key using "key_import_from_pem"

I am trying to import a key using key_import_from_pem(...);


and keep getting the following error:


System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderException: Exception caught in Management::KeyCertificate::key_import_from_pem()


Exception: Common::OperationFailed


primary_error_code : -7 (0xFFFFFFF9)


secondary_error_code : 0


error_string : error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line



The key was generated on another BigIP using key_generate(...); and then exported using key_export_to_pem(...); So the format should be correct. Let me know what i can try.



  • Ok, I wrote a C app to do steps 1-4 above and every step worked for me. In my setup, I'm using a dev build of 9.4 for device 1 and a fairly old 9.0.5 for my device 2. This is looking like it's tied to your specific version of BIG-IP you are running.



    Unfortunately, there isn't much more that we can do here as I've verified your logic and usage of the APIs is correct and functions on at least some versions of the platforms (I cut and pasted your code word-for-word). The only difference could be that my app keeps the key value in memory between the export and the import to the secondary device. Not sure if your storage in the database could be the issue or not. But, since you say it's only when importing to a secondary device, then that probably isn't the issue.



    I'm going to have to forward you back to product technical support and you should mention that this has been tested by the staff at DevCentral and the logic is correct so it has to be tied to your specific product version. Then the case can get escalated to our dev support team to take a look at your specific configuration and version to try to recreate the issue there.



    Sorry about passing the buck back and forth. Let us know how things work out.






  • Thanks for the help i have re-submitted the case to the support folks we'll see how things go.



    Thanks again,
  • I did try to import the key without sticking it the db first and it made no difference. I have tried to re-open my ticket with your support people with no luck. Oh well nothing you can do about that I will just keep trying.


