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igssv's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Oct 04, 2023

UCS Import Errors on BIG-IP VE ( from i2800 – Need Assistance


I’m trying to import a UCS file obtained from the existing device (i2800 v12.1.5.2) into the VE version V12.1.5.2, but it’s not going smoothly.

The command I execute during import is:
load sys ucs [i2800 UCS File] no-license platform-migrate

Upon checking the log (/var/log/ltm), I found the following errors:


  • err mcpd[4653]: 0107178a:3: Modifying license.maxcores to a value other than 2 is not allowed.
  • err loaddb[25057]: 01080023:3: Error return while getting reply from mcpd: 0x107178a, 0107178a:3: Modifying license.maxcores to a value other than 2 is not allowed.
  • err 010713d0:3: Symmetric Unit Key decrypt failure - decrypt failure
  • err mcpd[4653]: 0107102b:3: Master Key decrypt failure - decrypt failure - final
  • err Decryption of the field (secret) for object (/Common/system_auth_name1) failed.
  • err tmsh[25642]: 01420006:3: Loading configuration process failed.
  • emerg load_config_files: "/usr/bin/tmsh -n -g load sys config partitions all platform-migrate" - failed. -- 01071769:3: Decryption of the field (secret) for object (/Common/system_auth_name1) failed. Unexpected Error: Loading configuration process failed.

I only need to verify the configurations from the old model; it’s acceptable if maxcore decreases. My goal is to successfully complete the load sys command. Any support on how to address these errors would be greatly helpful.


14 Replies

  • igssv It looks like you did not migrate the master key from the old F5 to the new F5. This can be done easily if you have access to both devices. The following document has the steps which can be found if you search for "f5mku -K" when the page loads.

    • igssv's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Thank you for your quick response! Since the old F5 is still in operation and we want to avoid elevating security risks for our clients, we would prefer not to migrate the master key. Is there a way to review the configurations without migrating the master key?

      • igssv Migrating the master key will not cause any disruption on your existing F5. All you are doing for this is you are retreiving the master key value from the old F5s and then taking that key and configuring it on the new F5s. After that you should be able to import the configuration on the new F5s.

  • Hi igssv,

    Please collect master key from existing device first

    1. on Existing Device

    - Go to bash shell > run command "f5mku -K"

    - Collect output

    2. on New device

    - Go to bash shell > run command "f5mku -r <past output>

    - Save configuration "tmsh save sys config"

    - Load sys ucs again

    • igssv's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Hi, T-Trust

      I see, I should save sys config first. I tried it, and during the load, I received a message saying:

      usermod: no changes

      I thought it worked well, but it turns out the password has changed. Thank you for your advice!

      • igssv's avatar
        Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

        Hi, T-Trust,

        I would also like to extend my gratitude to you! As written in my response to Paulius, I was able to accomplish what I needed by tweaking the contents of the UCS! Thank you!

  • Hi igssv,


    You need to do this for platform migration , glad you are successful, you can refer this process for furure migrations:

    modify sys crypto master-key prompt-for-password



    K82540512: Overview of the UCS archive 'platform-migrate' option

  • Hi F5_Design_Engineer,

    Thank you so much for the comprehensive explanation regarding the ”platform_migrate" option! Your insights were super helpful. For this particular instance, our primary goal was simply to deploy the current device UCS to the Virtual Edition and validate the settings, so it looks like we can afford to overlook any potential issues. I might reach out again for advice if we run into any hurdles down the road—hope that’s okay!

    Thanks again and have a great day!