Forum Discussion

Smashytech_2187's avatar
Feb 22, 2016

Trying to upgrade the lab enviroment, from to


Im trying to upgrade our lab enviroment from to, but its failing and i cannot figure out why.

root@lb01a(Active)(tmos) / sys software status
root@lb01a(Active)( show

Sys::Software Status
Volume  Product  Version   Build  Active    Status
HD1.1      none     none    none      no  complete
HD1.2    BIG-IP   10.1.0  3341.0     yes  complete

root@lb01a(Active)(tmos) install sys software image BIGIP-  volume HD1.1

root@lb01a(Active)(tmos) show sys soft status

Sys::Software Status
Volume  Product  Version    Build  Active                                   Status
HD1.1    BIG-IP   11.5.3  0.0.163      no  failed (Can't find requested disk HD1.)
HD1.2    BIG-IP   10.1.0   3341.0     yes                                 complete

MD5 checksum is OK.
The same happens when i try to go via the webgui...

Any ideas? I cant figure this one out.

Regards, Rikard
  • Is sol15459 relevant to your install? Also see sol16518


    "You cannot install BIG-IP 11.0.0 or later on BIG-IP 10.x systems that run in partitions disk format.


    Terminal error: Can't find requested disk HD1."


  • Im not certain, this is what the liveinstall log says

    debug: tm_install::Volume::Volume_open -- name=sda.dat.boot, nw=yes, rp=(none) 
    debug: new temp mount dir /mnt/tm_install/19206.ecFhCy created for sda.dat.boot 
    debug: tm_install::Volume::Volume_close -- handle = /dev/sda2 
    Terminal error: Can't find requested disk HD1.
    *** Live install complete at 2016/02/22 09:20:24: status=65280 ***
    **Also i found this in the liveinstall:**
        debug: /var/tmp/install/pkgcpio/usr/sbin/image2disk: args=--reexec --verbose --verbose --verbose --instslot=HD1.1 --product=BIG-IP --version=11.5.3 --build=0.0.163 /shared/images/BIGIP- 
    info: Running updated installer. 
    info: Platform id is C102 
    Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /var/tmp/install/pkgcpio/usr/local/lib/tm_install/ line 968.
    Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/XML/ line 1159.
    Above repeated about 100 times....?
    debug: tm_install::Volume::Volume_open -- name=sda.dat.boot, nw=yes, rp=(none) 
    debug: new temp mount dir /mnt/tm_install/13062.0bhrM4 created for sda.dat.boot 
    debug: tm_install::Volume::Volume_close -- handle = /dev/sda2 
    Terminal error: Can't find requested disk HD1.

    *** Live install complete at 2016/02/22 10:12:36: status=65280 ***

    To me it looks like its getting cutoff at the dot, like 1.2 and its only interpreting it as "1."

  • Upgrade from 10.1.0 to 10.2.4. Upgrade from 10.2.4 to 11.0.0 Upgrade from 11.0.0 to 11.2.0 Upgrade from 11.2.0 to 11.5.3 You cannot directly upgrade from version 10 to anything past version 11.2 as it will fail. Try the upgrade path above and see if it works. It is a "best effort" and things may need to be manually changed in the bigip.conf file to get the config to work.
  • Im having the worst luck havn't I? Im now getting : Terminal error: create_ucs failed; No such file or directory

    so its not the same errmsg..

    [root@lb01a:Offline] images  df -h
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda10             12G  154M   11G   2% /
    /dev/sda12             12G   35M   11G   1% /config
    /dev/sda14             12G  909M   11G   9% /usr
    /dev/sda13             70G  2.2G   64G   4% /var
    /dev/sda1              59G  3.9G   52G   7% /shared
                          2.0G   55M  1.9G   3% /var/log
    none                  2.0G  320K  2.0G   1% /dev/shm
    none                  2.0G  8.9M  2.0G   1% /var/tmstat
    prompt                4.0M   12K  4.0M   1% /var/prompt
    none                  2.0G  704K  2.0G   1% /var/run
    • Smashytech_2187's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      also seeing this: root@lb01a(Offline)(tmos) save sys ucs test Saving active configuration... /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' /bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file Fatal: executing: md5sum /config/monitors/' Operation aborted. /tmp/configsync.spec: Error creating package WARNING:There are error(s) during saving. Not everything was saved. Be very careful when using this saved file! Error creating package Error during config save. BIGpipe parsing error: 01020001:3: The requested operation failed.