Forum Discussion

Toqeer_ahmed_93's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 06, 2006

Traffic distribution

Hello , i am new user of content swithces , right now i am working on load balancing scenario , here i need to distribute traffic among two server's (Nodes)with unequally like 2:1 , if there are 3 HTTP request 2 request are farward to one server and remaing one transfer to another how can i write as an irule





  • That can be accomplished without an iRule. Simply define your pool load balancing method to ratio, then set the ratio to 2 for the server that should have twice as much as the other server, like this:

    pool test-pool {
       lb method ratio
       monitor all http
       member ratio 1
       member ratio 2
  • if i use dynamic load balancing method with ratio for all http traffic it do not farward http traffic with desire ratio on server , like i send 17 http request on testing pool it distribute 9 request on one server & 8 request are on another server ,following are results




    ratio_pool 76.8K 83.2K 85 68 0 2 17


    -- 40.6K 44.0K 45 36 0 1 9 9


    -- 36.1K 39.1K 40 32 0 1 8 8





  • This really isn't a configuration issues site, you should contact support for that in the future. Dynamic Ratio requires that you are utilizing the snmp/wmi poll, which provides feedback on cpu/connection count/memory, etc. It then assigns a ratio depending on the feedback from the server. You need to use ratio, not dynamic ratio.