Forum Discussion

Puli's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 08, 2008

Timeout in get_session_enabled_state



am using the toggle pool member sample perl script.


am getting below error



SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::send_receive: HTTP::Response=HASH(0x848d9b4)


SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::send_receive: 500 (Internal Server Error) Connect failed: connect: Connection timed out; Connection timed out


Content-Type: text/plain


Client-Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 23:11:30 GMT


Client-Warning: Internal response



500 Connect failed: connect: Connection timed out; Connection timed out



Can anyone help me on why am getting this error.
  • That should not be happening. Do you know which method is the one that's timing out? Have you narrowed it to get_session_enabled_state? If so, have you verified that the parameters (pool and member) are correct?


