Forum Discussion

Grant_Joy_24163's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Oct 06, 2016

The requested ClientSSL Profile (/Common/ already exists in partition Common.

I am getting this error when I push a cert. What is the best way to handle this case? It happens when I use POST. I tried PUT and PATCH and they don't work. Should I DELETE this and then POST it?

The endpoint I am posting to is


  • I solved this issue by using a combination of POST and PUT.

    The initial POST is needed if it is a new profile. I attempt a PUT to

    . If I get an unsuccessful response on this, I attempt a POST to
    with a body that looks like
    { 'name' => "$DOMAIN", 'cert' => "$DOMAIN.crt", 'key' => "$DOMAIN.key" }
    which means it has created the profile for the first name.

    This seems to handle renewals as well as first time creations.

  • I solved this issue by using a combination of POST and PUT.

    The initial POST is needed if it is a new profile. I attempt a PUT to

    . If I get an unsuccessful response on this, I attempt a POST to
    with a body that looks like
    { 'name' => "$DOMAIN", 'cert' => "$DOMAIN.crt", 'key' => "$DOMAIN.key" }
    which means it has created the profile for the first name.

    This seems to handle renewals as well as first time creations.