Forum Discussion

_Angshu__368087's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 25, 2018

TFS Load balancing using 2 LTM and a GTM. Where to install the certificate?

I have a 2 app server (IIS) TFS infra, where i have configured 2 LTM and a GTM. Everything seems to be working fine, other than the GTM url is not secured. My question is, where do i install the certificate? is it in the IIS server where the application is running or somewhere in GTM?


do i need the cert to contain all the cnames into it as alaises?


  • You would generally install the certificate on the LTM virtual servers that load-balances traffic to your TFS servers, to offload TLS/SSL to the LTM. You may also install the certificate on to your TFS servers to maintain end-to-end TLS/SSL encryption.


    do i need the cert to contain all the cnames into it as alaises?


    If your certificate is not a wildcard for the domain, then you may need to include Subject Alternative Names