Forum Discussion

millencol1n_619's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 28, 2009

Terminate TCP Sessions




is there a way to actively terminate tcp sessions on the f5.


i have the following scenario:



2 nodes, each listening on port X


all traffic should be sent to server A as long its listening on port X


server B should only be used when A is not active, and as soon A gets active again all traffic should go to A again.



i have this running, but the problem is that after A gets online again i have a bunch of tcp sessions going to B, and that sessions do nor get migrated to A neither they time out on server B.



any ideas?



thx for your input!
  • I can't think of another way to handle this without a shell script. Maybe someone else has ideas.



    One option might be to use an external monitor which references a shell script. You could poll the pool members and if server B goes down, delete all its connection table entries using a system call to 'b conn ss server delete' where is the IP:port for server B.



  • thx, i think it works that way...


    one more thing, is it possible to call a shell script out of an irule?
  • Not directly, but you could log a message and then use a custom user_alert.conf to call a shell script. This is described to some extent in SOL9469 for handling a different issue:



    SOL9469: A disabled interface is enabled after a reboot or an mcpd process restart




  • If you end up with a working solution, could you reply here with a sanitized example or post it to the Codeshare?





  • i applied the following irule to the virtual server

     when RULE_INIT { 
         set ::count 0 
     when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { 
        if { [active_members pool_a] > 0 } { 
           pool pool_a 
          log local0. "primary active" 
        if { $::count == 1 } { 
            log "clean sessions" 
           set ::count 0 } 
        } else { 
           pool pool_b 
      log local0. "secondary active"  
      set ::count 1   
     when LB_FAILED { 
        pool pool_b 
      set ::count 1   
      log local0. "Selected member: [LB::server addr]"    

    on the bigip itself i listen for the string 'clean sessions' in the ltm log, which triggers the bigpipe command as descibed in the solution.
