Forum Discussion

Chris_Phillips's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 23, 2007

tcp connection logging at maximum demarcation points




following on from the general principles in this codeshare



how acan this be expanded further to include other details such as the volume of data transferred and how the connections are closed? As a network admin i'm always incorrectly blamed by our apps teams for having a dodgy network. i'd like to look at irules to create auditable logging for certain critical processes which could allow a good idea of what's actually happened to the connection and when it happened in order to even integrate the f5 logs with application logs via an application like splunk. i would want to log:



- when a connection starts


- when it's connected to a server


(both of which would be trivial)


- how much data is transferred in both directons


- how the connection is closed when it is. (has the f5 timed it out? has the server timed out? has it closed nicely?



it's these later details i'm struggling to find any real information on. i know when a connection closed from CLIENT_CLOSED but what else can I report from within that event callback?



[btw for areas like this we're having to fettle with syslog-ng.conf... are there any worthwhile feature requests to more intelligently control routing of log events? it surely isn't hard to and a webUI page to say that, for example, local4.notice and higher should be 1) logged to the ltm log and 2) forwarded to syslog server at a.b.c.d??? seems a rel shame to still have to manually tinker...]






  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hi Chris--



    We really have no way in iRules to differentiate between the different types of close that might take place on a connection: RST, FIN, timeout all look the same inside of iRules.



    Calculating how much data is transfered would definitely be possible, although you'd be introducing latency to each connection & adding system overhead by collecting in both directions and doing the math.



    I think GUI control of the syslog config would be a good add to the product. I'd say definitely open a case and request a CR or Feature Request for that functionality or to be linked to any existing CR requesting it.





  • would it not be feasible to get a better view of the connection table itself? AFAIR, I can get information about the volume of traffic through a connection from the bigpipe conn commands and such, and blatantly the system knows about this information at some level? would this all have to end in a second largely futile feature request?