Forum Discussion

joliver_106458's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 17, 2010

Synchronize to Peer Time Differences Issue

Newbe here,


I've got two Big IP LTM ver 9.3.1 running in active / standbye and when I try to sync to peer I get a "Time difference between the 2 devices exceed acceptable range." ... configsync aborted. NTP is configured on both and all looks good, (I think). I've opened a support ticket but looking at different avenues for answers. Any help would be appreciated.


thanks John
  • Hi John,



    You can use ntpq to check the NTP synching:






    How far apart are the times? Is the error accurate? If so, you could verify your NTP configuraiton is working and then manually set the time to something close to accurate and let NTP update it to the exact time on each unit. As citizen_elah suggested, you can use ntpq to troubleshoot NTP issues:



    SOL10240: Verifying Network Time Protocol peer server communications




    Searching for ntpq also returns this related solution:



    SOL7017: The BIG-IP ntpd daemon is unable to communicate with the NTP server






    And if you need to sync the config in the meantime, you can manually copy a UCS from the most up to date unit and load it using 'b config install /path/to/updated.ucs'. Only the shared configuration will be loaded on the unit.



  • Answer... open command prompt on each machine and do a


    date -s 14:00 (or your time in 24 hrs) and enter on each machine.


    Then go to your active box and perform a sync.


    Works like a dream.


    Thanks John
    • Shelly's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Perfect, worked like a charm. Thanks!