Forum Discussion

What_Lies_Bene1's avatar
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Sep 03, 2014

switch -glob

Would anyone know if using the -glob subcommand with the switch command still demotes iRule processing to once cpu/core/thread?


If not, what version did this change in please?


  • i have never heard switch -glob command demotes cmp.


  • I concur with Nitass, i've never seen this. Please paste your code, then highlight it and hit tab for correct formatting. There must be something else demoting CMP.


  • Thanks guys. I'm not suffering an actual issue, but I've been told or read that this is the case. Unfortunately I don't know by whom or where but I was confident enough to state it in a book. I will have to test... Cheers


  • At my previous job we used the -glob subcommand in a very very busy iRule and crashed the LTM. F5 then told us that -glob disables CMP and that was the cause. I can't find any evidence in the documentation today, but I try to avoid it where I can (using data group lists etc).


    Going to agility this week. Will bring up the question if I meet any iRule gurus (and remember to ask). :)

