Forum Discussion

htkiet_42906's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 22, 2012

Suddently can't ping or access to VS IP add other subnet

Hi all,


Can someone let me know if you have been facing this issue?


Suddently I can't ping or use web browser to access to the IP add of Virtual Server from other subnet but I can do it if I stand in the same subnet. Then I tried to change the IP add of VS to another one, it is OK to access. Then I changed back to the previous IP add. It is OK. I dont know why this happen.


I appreciate if someone can share me about this.







  • so what you did to get it resolved??? was it really an ARP issue... ????
  • Hi Techgeeeg,



    At that time, I changed the IP address of VS to another and it was working well. Then I changed back to the real IP address. It was also working well. Since that time, that issue didn't happen again so I dont have a chance to check if it really belongs to ARP issue. In my opinion, it should be ARP issue because I checked the information regarding with this issue as the link below:





  • So do you have any network monitoring system in your network that may detect the IP conflict in your network or by mistake did you assign this IP to any other device.?????
  • Hi Techgeeeg,



    This system belongs to our customer. Actually I dont know if they have this system or not. This address is only used for VS and not used for any other device.


