Forum Discussion

Romel_77740's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 03, 2010

string manipulation

-- I have a string S. There is a character '>' in S. I want to insert a new string in between '>' and the character before '>'. What's the best way to do this? -- I have a string S. There is a character ';' and '@' in S. I want to remove all character in between ';' (including this) and '@' (not including this). What's the best way to do this?
  • Hi Romel,



    Does the first string S have more than one >'s in it? If so can you provide some sanitized examples of the original and updated versions?



    Likewise, are there more than one ; or @ character in the second string? Can you also provide some sanitized examples of the original and updated versions for that scenario?



  • Example for 1st case: 12344384616;cic=0335@@645.444.44 Example for 2nd case: <34384616@66.106ddsdsd>
  • Maybe something like these?



    set str1 "12344384616;cic=0335@@645.444.44"



    scan $str1 and save everything that isn't a ; into a.


    Save everything after ; up to the next @ into b


    Save everything after the @ into c


    scan $str1 {%[^;];%[^@]@%s} a b c



    Append $a and $c


    set str1_edited "$a$c"



    Result: 12344384616@645.444.44



    Replace all >'s with inserted_string>


    string map {">" "inserted_string>"} "<34384616@66.106ddsdsd>"



    Result: <34384616@66.106ddsdsdinserted_string>


