Forum Discussion

Andrea_Arquint's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 25, 2010

stop processing further irules on condition match

Hi all



I have some irules assigned to a virtual server.



The first irule is cheking some condition. How can I stop processing all further irules if a specific condition matches in the first irule for the virtual server?








  • You'd probably want to use the "event" command.





  • You can also set a local variable in one rule and check for it in subsequent rules. This avoids the need to disable events for the duration of the TCP connection. That approach can be problematic for handling subsequent HTTP requests on the same TCP connection.

    Here's an example using the variable $snatted to determine if an initial rule has enabled SNAT and therefore not take any subsequent action.


     rule 1
        Apply a SNAT based on some connection criteria
        Check if the client IP is in the subnet
       if {[IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals]}{
           Apply SNAT automap for this connection
          snat automap
           Set a variable that tracks we've applied SNAT
          set snatted 1
     rule 2
        Check if $snatted exists and is set to 1
       if {[info exists snatted] && $snatted==1}
           We've already SNAT'd this connection so don't select a new pool
       } else {
           We haven't SNAT'd this connection, so select a pool
           based on the client's destination port
          switch [TCP::local_port] {
             "80" {
                 Select the corresponding pool for port 80
               pool port_80_pool
             "443" {
                 Select the corresponding pool for port 80
               pool port_443_pool
             default {
                 No match for the destination port, so take some default action
               pool default_pool
  • Hi Aaron



    Is this the only way to control processing further irules?


    I mean I have a lot of them :-)



    Isn't there another way to do it?




    Kind regards


  • You could use an iRule like this to detect if a prior iRule has changed the pool from the virtual server's default pool or issued an HTTP redirect (using HTTP::redirect) or response (using HTTP::respond):

    when CLIENT_ACCEPTED priority 1 {
        Ensure this event runs first to save the VS's default pool name
       set default_pool [LB::server pool]
    when HTTP_REQUEST priority 999 {
        Ensure this event runs after any iRules which should take precedence over this one
        Check if the currently selected pool has changed or an HTTP redirect/response has been triggered already.
       if { ([LB::server pool] ne $default_pool) or [catch {HTTP::payload replace 0 0 {}}] } {
          set already_responded 1
       } else {
          set already_responded 0
       if {$already_responded == 0}{
           Do something like select a pool or redirect the client

    Or if you don't care about pool changes and just want to detect a redirect/respond, you could simplify the iRule:

    when HTTP_REQUEST priority 999 {
        Ensure this event runs after any iRules which should take precedence over this one
        Check if an HTTP redirect/response has been triggered already.
       if { [catch {HTTP::payload replace 0 0 {}}] } {
          set already_responded 1
       } else {
          set already_responded 0
       if {$already_responded == 0}{
           Do something like select a pool or redirect the client

    Both examples attempt to insert nothing in the request payload. If a redirect/response has already been sent in an iRule, catch traps a runtime error and a variable is set to track it.

  • Thanks hoolio! event statement is really dangerous when you use something like Akamai, will disable all further Request using the same connection. Be careful with that.