Forum Discussion

Shakeeb_174352's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 02, 2016

Statistics of the NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS exceeded the 'connection limit' value set on the VS

One of out VS is configured with a 'connection limit' value set to 8000. We want the statistics (COUNT) of the connections which were dropped by the BIG-IP as it exceeded the Limit. I know 'tmsh show net rst-cause' gives a total number of 'Connection limit exceeded', but we are looking for the dropped connection per VS. Is there a CLI or can we write an iRULE to get this info. Finally we would also like to visualize this graphically. Any suggestions on the 2 questions would be helpful.


  • I have never tried it specifically for your use-case but have you played around with AVR ?


  • We haven't provisioned the AVR. I can give it a try. Before provisioning it in our lab, I have a couple of questions. 1.Would provisioning the AVR have any impact on the performance (CPU overhead) of F5 and eventually degrade our application delivery performance ? 2.Can I achieve my goal of getting the stats using AVR ?


    • Vijay_E's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      1. There will be some resource utilization. I haven't seen it to be more than 2-5%. However, this depends on the statistics that you are capturing and the total connections/throughput.


      2. I don't know the answer as stated in my 1st comment that I haven't tried it.


      You can also explore other options like iRule logging.