Forum Discussion

cshannahan_3137's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 02, 2018

Started getting these SSL errors after implementing some health monitors.

Started getting these errors after implementing some health monitors. We didn't get them in our test environment.


Connection error: ssl_null_parse:3120: record length too large (22)


I'm assuming there are from a POST or GET health check but I'm not sure which one would cause it, I don't see any other info. Is there a way I can figure out which one is causing this?


  • eneR's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Do you have any SSL VS configured which could throw out this messages?


  • So I removed the monitors but I'm still getting hammered with those messages. I have no clue why I started getting them? Anyone???