Forum Discussion

amallet_4001's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 18, 2017

SSO HTTP Forms with variably uri


I have an application which does not make SSO SAML and I would like to be able to set up SSO HTTP Forms.

However my URI is variable.

POST /idp/4NnB0_xVb0A/resumeSAML20/idp/ HTTP/1.1


apm sso form-based /Common/LMT_test_auth {
form-action "/resumeSAML20/idp/ HTTP/1.1"
form-field " "
form-password password
form-username username
start-uri /resumeSAML20/idp/


How are you to do for this?

Thanks for help

  • Hi,

    did you try with Form action :


    /idp/%{session.custom.variable}/resumeSAML20/idp/ HTTP/1.1


  • Hi,


    thank you for the response


    However, How to create the custom variable?


    Irule or directly on the VPE?


    Best regards


    • Stanislas_Piro2's avatar
      Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

      You can assign variable with variable assign. It support tcl code.

      How can you retrieve this variable part of uri?

      Are there multiple static values or is it a non predictable value?

    • amallet_4001's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      This variable it's non predictable value.

      I created Irule for extract uri:


      when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if {[HTTP::uri] contains "/idp/" && [HTTP::uri] contains "_"} {
          set SSO_URI [regsub -nocase {/f5\-w\-[0-9a-f]+\$\$} [HTTP::uri] ""]
          ACCESS::session data set session.lmt.sso.starturi "$SSO_URI"



      And connfigured the SSO configuration HTTP Form.

      It's working.

      However, Can we add the URI extraction in the VPE with "Variable Assign" ?


    • Stanislas_Piro2's avatar
      Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus



      HTTP_REQUEST is not the good event to use as it is evaluated for any following requests and not only during policy evaluation.


      you can do it with (event only evaluated when new session):


          if {[set uri [HTTP::uri]] contains "/idp/" && $uri contains "_"} {
              if {[scan $uri {/f5-w-%[^$]$$%s} garbage SSO_URI] == 2} {
                  ACCESS::session data set session.lmt.sso.starturi "$SSO_URI"
              } else { 
                  ACCESS::session data set session.lmt.sso.starturi $uri

      or variable assign


      session.lmt.sso.starturi =
      if {[scan [mcget {session.server.landinguri}] {/f5-w-%[^$]$$%s} garbage SSO_URI] == 2} {
          return $SSO_URI
      } else { return [mcget {session.server.landinguri}]}

      If you want to evaluate this code for every requests, you must use ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED event (same as HTTP_REQUEST but after APM and rewrite profile). in this event there is no need to parse HTTP::uri.