Forum Discussion

sgnewbie_121449's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 23, 2013

SSL - F5 sending TCP RST after handshake

We just renewed server's SSL certificate with 2048 bit but now F5 is sending TCP RST to the server after Handshake.


It's working when we switch back to the old certificate (1024 bit) without changing F5 config.


Here is the SSLdump:


1 1 0.0010 (0.0010) C>S Handshake




Version 3.1


cipher suites






Unknown value 0x2f


Unknown value 0x35






compression methods




1 2 0.0024 (0.0013) S>C Handshake




Version 3.1




50 ff 8c cf 7d cc 68 fe 70 b6 d3 15 6c 6e 7c da


f6 32 a3 45 48 53 69 e1 cc a4 f7 1e 68 9a 58 8c


cipherSuite TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5


compressionMethod NULL






1 0.0027 (0.0002) C>S TCP RST



I could connect to the server using "openssl s_client -cipher 'RC4-SHA' -connect".


The server is JBOSS. We're using BIG-IP 9.2.3.


Does anyone know why?



13 Replies

  • Just FYI, we've tried using SHA1 hash but it's still not good.


    I asked the app support to generate self-signed 1024 certificate and it's finally okay.


    it seems like BIG-IP 9.2.3 doesn't support new certtficate 2048 bit on the server side.
  • Did You try maybe during configuring ssl profile to change 'cipher' field from default to all? I had same issue and after that change ssl handshake was successful.