Forum Discussion

yunan_haris_123's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Feb 22, 2016

some image content cant be load and work properly

dear all,


i have deployed big ip ltm on my customer, the function of this appliance is to offload and load balance the portal server (used to login to the customer site). the problem occur when we offloading the https, the whole page seems broken. i try to used this link, the whole page still broken and the authentication always failed.however, some image content can be loaded and work properly.


after that i try to used stream profile, but not used rewrite profile that i talk before, with http profile response chunking is re-chunk. the page can now be loaded and work properly, neither the authentication, but unfortunately some image still broken.


any suggestion about this problem?


thank you


  • It sounds like your application is unaware of the SSL offloading taking place. Can you detail exactly what is breaking (e.g. images, stylesheets, etc.) and provide examples? I recently came across an issue similar to what you describe. In order to fix the issue i had to convert http:// on the server side to https:// on the client side.


  • It sounds like your application is unaware of the SSL offloading taking place. Can you detail exactly what is breaking (e.g. images, stylesheets, etc.) and provide examples? I recently came across an issue similar to what you describe. In order to fix the issue i had to convert http:// on the server side to https:// on the client side.