Forum Discussion

siru_129409's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 13, 2015

Solution/Implimentation guide for websafe(Fraud protection service)

Hi all, i upgraded my f5 lab edition to 11.6 in order to test the functionality of websafe(Fraud protection service) features. But I could not find any documentation in the internet for the same. if any one have any guide or helpful link please share with me. thank you...


  • Tikka_Nagi_1315's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Not sure if you are still looking for this. If you are please either open a support case for this or send me an email at t.nagi at and I can send you the configuration guide for FPS.


  • Hi I am also interested in an Implementation guide for websafe.


    My organization is a customer of F5.

