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Marc_64323's avatar
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Mar 24, 2014

SOAP File transfers for backup .ucs files result in unreadable files that are bigger than they should be



I am trying to automate our backup process for .ucs files remotely. Using bigsuds with the System.ConfigSync.download_configuration() method I am getting strange results, in that not only is my resulting file unreadable locally or through re-upload to the BIGIP device, but it is also significantly larger than I am expecting it to be. For example, my "backup.ucs" file local to the BIGIP device might be 2.6 Mb; however, at the conclusion of my write loop, the resulting file size would be 3.5 Mb remotely. I am admittedly new to SOAP's idiosyncrasies with downloading files, and I tried to follow the example pseudo code I found for managing loops to handle file chunks and offsets. My "download progress" output shows that the bytes written are actually pretty close to what I am expecting (though a multiple of the chunk size), but then the resulting file is much larger and corrupt, and I have no idea why. Perhaps I am not handling the file handle properly because of SOAP weirdness? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Here is the code:



    import bigsuds
    import datetime

    temp_date = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    split_date = string.split(temp_date)
    my_date = split_date[0]
    bigip_ip = '***.***.***.***'
    chunk_size = 64 * 1024
    file_offset = 0
    write_continue = 1

    create filename
    filename = 'test_' + date

    instantiate connection to bigip
    obj = bigsuds.BIGIP(hostname=bigip_ip, username=bigip_user, password=bigip_pwd)

    first save config file on bigip device

    open target file for writing
    f = open('/home/bigip_backups/' + filename + '.ucs','a')

    download data to file
    while write_continue == 1:
        temp_config = obj.System.ConfigSync.download_configuration(filename + '.ucs',chunk_size,file_offset)
        file_info = temp_config['return']               

        detect EOF                                    
        if file_info['chain_type']  == 'FILE_LAST' or file_info['chain_type'] == 'FILE_FIRST_AND_LAST':
            write_continue = 0

        set offset                    
        file_offset = file_offset + chunk_size

        track download progress
        print str(file_offset) + " bytes written"

        print file_info['chain_type']

  • The only thing I think is different with your code and the ones I wrote in the iControl CodeShare for ConfigSync is that the 3rd parameter in the call to download_configuration for file_offset is actually an IN/OUT value. The method updates the value with the original file_offset plus the length of the data returned in the FileTransferContext return value.


    I'm not sure how bigsuds handles in/out variables. In perl/SOAP::Lite you must access it via the paramsout variable.


    In PowerShell ( the code looks like this:


    while($bContinue -eq 1)
      $ctx = (Get-F5.iControl).SystemConfigSync.download_configuration($config_name, $chunk_size, [ref]$file_offset);
      $w.Write($ctx.file_data, 0, $ctx.file_data.Length);
      Write-Host "Bytes Transferred: $file_offset";
      if ( ($ctx.chain_type -eq "FILE_LAST") -or ($ctx.chain_type -eq "FILE_FIRST_AND_LAST") )   {
        $bContinue = 0;

    You'll see that in there, the value returned in file_offset is what's passed into the next call.


    For debugging on your end, I'd print to the console the values of file_offset and chunk_size before each call and make sure that fill_offset is incrementing by chunk_size correctly each it. So, if chunk_size is 100, the output should looks something like:


    0, 100
    99, 100
    199, 100
    299, 100

    Hope this helps...




  • Hi,

    Guessing you've got this working by now, but for anyone else who's interested I got Marc's script to work by simply decoding the file_data as base64. Updated version below is exactly the same except for a few lines....

        instantiate connection to bigip
    obj = bigsuds.BIGIP(hostname=bigip_ip, username=bigip_user, password=bigip_pwd)
    first save config file on bigip device
    open target file for writing
    f = open('/home/bigip_backups/' + filename + '.ucs','wb')  <---- This line
    download data to file
    while write_continue == 1:
        temp_config = obj.System.ConfigSync.download_configuration(filename + '.ucs',chunk_size,file_offset)
        file_info = temp_config['return']               
        f.write(base64.b64decode(file_info['file_data']))  <---- And this line
        detect EOF                                    
        if file_info['chain_type']  == 'FILE_LAST' or file_info['chain_type'] == 'FILE_FIRST_AND_LAST':
            write_continue = 0
        set offset                    
        file_offset = file_offset + chunk_size
        track download progress
        print str(file_offset) + " bytes written"
        print file_info['chain_type']

    Thanks Marc; your work saved me a lot of time!

    Cheers, Stephen