Forum Discussion

rajeev_81179's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 02, 2009

snmpwalk Timeout: No Response

We just upgraded F5 in our DC, from 5100 to 6900 (ver 9.x) with the same upgrade. When i run the (snmpwalk -c YOUR_COMMUNITY_STRING -v 1 YOURDEVICE_IP)


snmpwalk -c ASP -v2c on the active device it says no response from host.


Timeout: No Response from



But when I run the same command on the standby unit, it works fine and SNMP is working on the standby unit. I am able to ping both the devices.




I restarted the SNMPD service and checked config/snmpd.conf file and compared both the files and the settings seem to be fine, infact I synced the box(active) FROM PEER(standby) and still have the same issue.



Any help is much appreciated....
  • Is the floating IP address by chance? I've run into this before (a long time ago, mind you...).


  • Yes, i have allowed in teh snmp settings..i copied the config from 5100 to 6900 as it was a migration and the standby unit is working mentioned i even synced the active from standby.....
  • Matt,



    Thank you for you rreply, thats just a dummy add, even though its internal add, my comp is strict about advertising ip add, outside, so i had to chnage it...10.38.xx.xx is the actual ip...



    thanks any help is appreciated....