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Ward_Delcomyn_9's avatar
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Nov 03, 2015

SNMP Trap Testing not supplying correct OID

I'm trying to test our snmp handling for system events thrown by BIG-IP (11.5.1). I have used this document:


I can get the traps to fire, but it just sends it with a generic informational trap. Instead of the actual OID for the error I'm trying to raise. For example: if I pull a power supply, the OID that is sent is, but when I create a synthetic log, it doesn't supply the correct OID.


My thought is that it isn't parsing my log message correctly to match it to an snmp trap, but even the example that they used in the referenced material doesn't supply the OID correctly. Should I be able to simulate an snmp trap that is an actual replica of a hardware snmp trap and if so, how? Can I do it with the logger facility?






  • adityoari_14383's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    I believe I never have any similar experience.. Mind sharing the logger command you used and the exact OID of your generic trap?


  • Thanks for the reply. In going to the effort to demonstrate what was happening, I found the problem. I have two viprion chassis and was using one to send the test traps using logger with machine "A" and pulling the power supply on machine "B". Turns out that machine "A" was configured to send v1 traps and machine "B" was configured to send v2c traps. I've fixed the setting to send everything as version v2c and it works like a champ both ways.