Forum Discussion

Jerome_CARRIER's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 20, 2020

SNMP OID Network Access Connection

Hello, I would like to monitor the number of user connected on our platform with their VPN Edge Client.


What is the OID number to be able to monitored the number of users connected with VPN via our monitoring tool ?



  • Hello, I found my error in .tcl. It' working now. When I try the snmpwalk command, I have this result :


    bigipTrafficMgmt.100.1.0 = Gauge32: 37


    But I would like to understand. If I see the dashboard, I see the same number about Active Access Session than the command and I have also 5 open about Network Access Connection (as you can see in the screenshot). What is the différence ? The number about Network Access Connection is not only the number of VPN connected on the system via the EdgeClient ? And the 37 active access session is only the number of session open on the system to reach our Sharepoint Web portal (without tunnel access) ?


    I'm sorry if my question is stupid...



    • boneyard's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      great the SNMP works.


      the result is interesting, can you also show the tmsh output to be sure. in principle that SNMP shows the connectivity license usage which is network access but also some other things.


      see what counts as CCU and not:

  • Hello


    Find a new screenshots where we see 36 active access sessions and 4 Network Access Connections. I attached also the result of several commands :


    1/ snmpwalk -Os -c public -v 2c localhost . where the result is 36 as the number of active access session we seen in the screenshot dashboard

    2/ The result of tmsh show apm license where we see the information about licenses

    3/ config # snmpwalk -Os -c public -v 2c localhost where normally whit this OID, we see the number of CCU licenses consumed and the number (4) is the same number than the number of Network Access Connections in the dashboard screenshot..


    I added also a screenshot to see active sessions in the F5. We see 36 connections but for me this number include the portal access (without tunnel resource) AND the number of VPN connections. So for me, the result of the first command is the number of total connections on the system, not only the number of VPN connections.


    For me, the CCU is the licenses used when in your policy, you define a tunnel resource and access session is only for access without tunnel or rewriting policy






    • boneyard's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      thanks, i might not understand what you are now exactly asking.


      to repeat my understanding: CCU is not equal to VPN access

      seems to show network access connection, which is nice information but that is not the only thing that counts towards CCU

      truly shows CCU and is important for your license limit

  • sorry, I'm not clear...


    My management request to me to have the information about the number of VPN connections on our system

    • boneyard's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      that is four in above info


      OID seems to show you that


      but do keep in mind that the number itself is useful to know, but it isn't a license limit on itself

  • Hello


    When I execute locally on the BIG-IP the command "snmpwalk -Os -c public -v 2c localhost .", it's working. But when I tried to launch this command from remote server with snmpwalk -Os -c public -v 2c IP_of_BIGIP ., the command failed. And if I try the same command but with another OID ( for example), it's working.. Do you know why ?

    • boneyard's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      how does you SNMP config look, do you perhaps have a OID restriction there?

  • Hello


    No. I have juste add in SNMP/Agent/Configuration, the IP address of my monitoring tool and in SNMP/Agent/Agent (V1, V2c), the name of my community (not the public) and in source, the IP address of my monitoring tool...



    • boneyard's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP
      	IPv4	devcentral : default	Read Only

      something like that? no value at OID right?

      that just works for me locally and remote. i would do a packet capture to make sure your remote server sends the correct OID and it reaches the big-ip.

  • when I try with a tool to request the oid . from my monitoring server, I have this error : SNMP_EXCEPTION_NOSUCHINSTANCE223. But the other OID, I have no issue..