Forum Discussion

michalw2_61302's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 01, 2015

SNAT pool address removal

Hi Community


I have a quick question - after removing particular IP address from the SNAT pool used on the Virtual Server - are active connections between lb and back-end servers are going to be interrupted (dropped) or LTM will let tcp connections expire?


Thank you in advance. Michal


  • I suspect existing TCP connection will remain until they timeout. You can always remove them manually issuing the following command;-

    tmsh delete sys connection ss-client-addr

  • Thanks for quick answer. My goal is to keep active all tcp connections that are in use until they'll expire rather than dropping them. But most likely F5 will not drop the connections.


  • I suspect existing TCP connection will remain until they timeout. You can always remove them manually issuing the following command;-

    tmsh delete sys connection ss-client-addr