Forum Discussion

Keith_Goguen_52's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 06, 2011

Simple iRule for URL appending?

Hey - was wondering if someone could give me a hand with a pretty basic task... how to append(or redirect) and URL. I have some people comming into a VS for "", but I have to send them to "". The VS is taking in HTTP port 80, but is doing PAT to different nodes on different ports. I tried a couple of iRule examples, but failed. Anything would be appreciated... thanks.
  • Banyan,

    [root@iris:Active] css  b virtual bar list
    bvirtual bar {
       snat automap
       pool foo
       ip protocol tcp
       rules myrule
       profiles {
          http {}
          tcp {}
    [root@iris:Active] css  b rule myrule list
    rule myrule {
       when HTTP_REQUEST {
            set val [HTTP::uri]
            log local0. "\[HTTP::uri\] is $val"
            log local0. "\[string length $val\] is [string length $val]"
            if { ([string length $val] == 0) or ([string length $val] == 1)} {
                    HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host]/apath
    [root@iris:Active] css  curl -I
    HTTP/1.0 302 Found
    Server: BigIP
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-Length: 0
    [root@iris:Active] css  cat /var/log/ltm
    Nov  2 20:38:32 local/tmm info tmm[1609]: Rule myrule : [HTTP::uri] is /
    Nov  2 20:38:32 local/tmm info tmm[1609]: Rule myrule : [string length /] is 1
  • I have box in pool member node on I want to irule hide internal /test and redirect to only Please help me
  • I have box in pool member node on I want to irule hide internal /test and redirect to only Please help me
  • There are a few considerations to your request:

    1. If you JUST want to hide the /test URI from the client, you can use the HTTP::uri command to transparently change the URI in the HTTP request.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
         HTTP::uri "/test[HTTP::uri]"

    This is a rather brute force way of changing the incoming URI to "/test" plus whatever is already in the client's request.

    Ex. client requests "/foo" and the server sees "/test/foo"

    2. The problem with the above approach is that it doesn't account for what information the server may send back to the client in the form of object references. If that is a concern, then there are a few options, but I'd recommend an iRule-based stream expression to replace "/test" references in the response payload. The wiki page for streams has some pretty good examples that modify content in the HTTP_RESPONSE event.

    3. The problem with the above is that it doesn't account for complex applications. Your example only shows one URI, but if that's just for illustration purposes and your environment is much more complicated than that, then I'd recommend a ProxyPass solution. The ProxyPass iRule will do exactly what you require but can handle much more complex requirements. If that's an option, do a quick search on this site for "ProxyPass".

  • Hi please help for Https request, what changes be there in this irule--


    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::path] equals "/" } { HTTP::redirect "/somewhere/else.html" } }


    for http request its working fine, but for https its not aking this irule...i changes http to https everywhere in irule...


  • Hi,


    With https you don't need to change anything on this iRule.


    You have to apply your server-ssl profile and that's all (you may need a client-ssl profile too).


  • Hi,


    With https you don't need to change anything on this iRule.


    You have to apply your server-ssl profile and that's all (you may need a client-ssl profile too).


  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    @Arun, assuming that you're using separate VIPs for HTTP and HTTPS, can you confirm that the iRule has been assigned to both VIPs?


    The rule as you included it above should not require any adjustments for HTTPS.