Forum Discussion

yk1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 20, 2019

Should I set serverAddresses in AS3 declaration with big-ip kubernetes controller?

Hi, now I setup my big-ip server, and this is for the first time to using AS3. My kubernetes cluster already work with big-ip, but using L4 configmap.

My kubernetes cluster is using Calico as cni, and also using BGP protocol.

When I use configmap, big-ip kubernetes controller does auto-detect server ips and pod ips, so there are nothing I have to do. But when I use AS3, from example declaration(, I have to set server address. I don' t want to do it. They can speak BGP so I want big-ip kubernetes controller to do auto-detect server ips and pod ips. Should I set serverAddresses in AS3 declaration even though they connect with BGP?

  • yk1's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    I read schema reference twice and now I assume that pools created by configmap can also set AS3 "pool" declare.