Forum Discussion

akhil_2877's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 14, 2013

Sharepoint issue for F5 configuration

I am having issues for sharepoint deployement on f5 configuration when we test it we are getting windos IIS8 webpage instead of sharepoint page seems like redirect is working ssl offloading configured. any specfic configuartion on http profile setting Beleow is configuration serving are configured on port 80 with slow ramp time as 300 sec


virtual rtw_sharepoint_prod_oi { mirror enable snat automap pool rtw_sharepoint_prod_ou destination x.x.x.x:https ip protocol tcp persist cookie profiles { SPS_http_profile {} SPS_oneconnect {} SPS_tcp_lan { serverside } SPS_tcp_wan { clientside } sharepoint_2010 { clientside } } }


profile http SPS_http_profile { defaults from http-wan-optimized-compression-caching compress enable redirect rewrite matching insert xforwarded for enable ramcache enable ramcache uri exclude none ramcache uri include none ramcache uri pinned "/_layouts/images/*" }


  • You VS and HTTP profile configuration looks fine but you mention the 'redirect' is working, how is this done please? Is there an iRule in place?


    If you go direct to one of the servers in the Pool, do you get the correct page?


  • yes when i go directly to one of the server i get sharepoint page however while accessing via vip on port 443 it doesnt work get default IIS8 page. and there is no Irule configured as of now Iam using http profile as per sharepoint doc it mentioned to rewrite Redirect Matching.


    One thing i have noticed that with https://URL:80/ We get sharepoint page. so could we contsutct any Irule


    virtual rtw_sharepoint_prod_oi { mirror enable snat automap pool rtw_sharepoint_prod_ou destination ip protocol tcp persist cookie profiles { SPS_http_profile {} SPS_oneconnect {} SPS_tcp_lan { serverside } SPS_tcp_wan { clientside } sharepoint_2010 { clientside } } }


    profile http SPS_http_profile { defaults from http-wan-optimized-compression-caching compress enable redirect rewrite matching insert xforwarded for enable ramcache enable ramcache uri exclude none ramcache uri include none ramcache uri pinned "/_layouts/images/*" }


  • OK. Is a ClientSSL profile applied? It's hard to tell from the names you've given things above.


  • yes cleint ssl profile is configured. as i mention when we type https://URL it shows IIS page however with https://URL:80/ it shows sharepoint page


    No irules configured


    Http profile has redirect rewrite matching. compression , ram cache is enabled. ssl offloading is there, tcp wan optimzed and wan optimzed profile is there


  • OK, so what's the Pool configuration please? When you go direct to the server, is it http: or https:?


  • Pool configuration ports are configured on 80.


    When directly access its works Fine.


    pool rtw_sharepoint_prod_ou { lb method member least conn slow ramp time 300 monitor all ourintranet2013 members { {} {} } }


  • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    If you haven't already, please carefully review information from Microsoft about Alternate Access Mapping (AAM) configuration on Sharepoint. It's critical that this be configured correctly so that the host header and port of the application presented from the F5 is understood by Sharepoint server. The problem you describe sounds like this is not configured correctly.


    Here's a good document on it: