Forum Discussion

Joao_Silva_2425's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 26, 2017

Send Local Traffic (LTM) logs to BIG-IQ Logging Nodes

Hi all, I am deployng 3 BIG-IQ Logging Nodes, but all the documentation i found says that BIG-IQ Logging Nodes only receive information from "Event Logs" generated by Security:


Does anyone knows if it is possible to create a HSL logging profile in LTM sending the information to BIG-IQ logging Nodes?


Thanks for any help


  • Hi Joao Silva,


    I have the same question, did you find any solution yet regarding sending ltm logs to BIG-IQ?




  • In the version 6.x, the IQ create all itens to Dos Logging, HSL is there. CONFIGURATION > Shared Security > Virtual Server choose the VS and click Configure DoS Logging