Forum Discussion

Marcio_Sato_576's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 29, 2013

Save BIG-IP console baud-rate configuration




I'm having trouble with the console baud-rate configuration. I have configured the baud-rate, using the LCD panel, to 9600. But after rebooting the appliance, the baud-rate always returns to 19200 (default). Why does it happen? Is there a way to save this configuration?


Also, I tried to configure the baud-rate in the CLI using:


tmsh modify sys console 9600


tmsh show sys console (to verify if it is 9600)


tmsh save sys config


But after rebooting, the LCD panel showed 19200, and the command "tmsh show sys console" showed 9600. Why are those values different? Shouldn't they be the same? I want to keep it at 9600 permanently, what shoud I do?



Thank you!




  • Sounds like a bug. Have you confirmed what rate works after your change? Probably the LCD is misreporting.
  • Hi Steve,


    I'm almost sure that the rate that works is the one from the LCD, but I need to confirm. If I configure using the LCD, should this configuration be persistent even after rebooting? Also, if I configure using the CLI, should it appear correctly in the LCD?


    Thank you,


  • Wherever you change it the change should be persistent and the display on the LCD or in tmsh should match.



    What version are you on? I wonder if you also need to change the baud rate on the SCCP/AOM card too?
  • Hi Steve,


    About the previous question, when this problem happens (LCD showing 19200 and CLI showing 9600) the console works only at 9600.


    The AOM baudrate is also 9600:


    root@AOM1:~ bootenv baudrate





    I'm on version Version 10.2.0 Build 1755.1



    So it seems that the LCD is misreporting. Is it a known issue?



    Thank you,


  • It looks like you're running into this issue:



    SOL13050: The LCD panel may display an incorrect serial baud rate




    It is fixed in 11.0.0