Forum Discussion

James_W_'s avatar
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Oct 17, 2020

Run a script or program under the TMM not the HMS Linux host

By default most of the memory is allocated in TMM, when we run "tmsh show sys memory | head" we can see that the memory in TMM is moslty free, can we execute a script or a program under the TMM so that memory is being used on the memory on the HMS which is marked as Other

  • No.


    But you can change your provisioning to allocate more memory to the control plane (MGMT, host) by increasing your mgmt provisioning size to medium and large and add even more memory using the provision.extramb database variable, see K26427018 for details.

  • No.


    But you can change your provisioning to allocate more memory to the control plane (MGMT, host) by increasing your mgmt provisioning size to medium and large and add even more memory using the provision.extramb database variable, see K26427018 for details.