Forum Discussion

mbrandon32's avatar
Jan 19, 2022

RULE_INIT - Initialize on standby HA peer

We implemented the iRule located here -

After applying the iRule, SNAT persistence is working as expected. However, we had a failover to our standby peer and connections started to fail. It seems that the iRule is not initiated on a failover. Is this the expected behavior? If so, how can we get this iRule to initialize upon failover?

And since it was initialized on the previous active peer, will it work as expected once failed back? Or will it need to be initialized once again?

  • Any iRule applied to a virtual will be initialized when the configuration is loaded, either automatically at boot, a GUI config change to that object, or an explicit save to the config via tmsh, regardless of state. Once the standby becomes active, the virtual will start processing traffic and any applied iRules will fire. There's a lot going on in RULE_INIT there and I'm curious (I don't know the answer)  how this section of the code behaves on a load on a standby system:

    # Hide the members command from the iRule parser (BZ381099 comment 7)
    set static::members_cmd "members -list $static::snatpool_name"
    # Clear any pre-existing array of the same name
    unset -nocomplain static::snat_ips
    # Initialize a counter for the number of SNAT pool members
    set static::i 0
    # Loop through the SNAT pool members and add them to an array for faster access
    # If the SNAT pool is modified, the RULE_INIT code needs to be re-run to re-read the SNAT pool
    # Make a simple change like adding a space to a comment to force a re-run of RULE_INIT.
    foreach static::snat_ip [eval $static::members_cmd] {
    set static::snat_ips($static::i) [lindex $static::snat_ip 0]
    incr static::i

    I'd try to log your array on RULE_INIT after it's built to see if it's empty. That might explain the issues if snats aren't being assigned properly because the modulo operation is resulting in very different assignments.

  • As JRahm mentioned this couldn't be the issue but as you use irule when there is a failover the new active device will select another source ip address from the SNAT pool and this will break the previous connection. You have to use connection mirroring for this to not happen but the normal SNAT will utlize more memory:

    Just for info you can trigger scripts on standby devices when they become active by adding the scripts under /config/failover/<state> but this seems to not be the solution in this case: