Forum Discussion

Wes_98712's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 30, 2007

rewrite HTML in response

Interesting dilemma we have here. We are about to release a new version of a site we own, but don't have time to change the HTML on a particular page, essentially the hyperlink points to site that will be going away after launch. So, what I want to do, is look for the hyperlink in the response and replace it with something else. I am not even sure if it is possible.



Right now the page links to a particular URL, upon response from any server, I want to replace with



I thought HTTP_RESPONSE would be a good place to start, but I have a feeling I am going to have to inspect the body in order to do this, and I am really not sure what performance impact this will have.



I have a couple of options that I am playing with, 1 basically transfers the domain to us, then we handle requests as a redirect to the new destination, and of course replace the links in the code...course that all makes sense, but timing is critical, so if I can put this in place I'll be gold.



Not sure where to start with this, since it deals more with the body of the response rather than the header.



All comments would be appreciated.
  • Not painful at all, for whatever reason I could have sworn that the previous version had hyperlink extensions, who know's where I was. ;-)