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Jorge_Herran_14's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 11, 2015

ReverseProxy Configuration Error - Need Help

I am deploying a reverse proxy, I have been following the guide from the manual: "BIG-IP_Local_Traffic_Manager" (Chapter 24 Configuring the BIG-IP System as a Reverse Proxy Server)


The step i am having trouble with is: Creating a local traffic policy


Basically the problem is that i have to asociate two http-uri with one original address to execute the translation however, when i am finish configuring the policy i got errors:


If i try to include the both conditions inside the same policy i got: 010716d8:3: Compilation of ltm policies for virtual server /Common/vs_sugar_crm_reverseproxy_80 failed; Failed to compile the combined policies. (reverse policy.jpg, reverse policy2.jpg)



otherwise if i try to create two policies, and associate them with the virtual server, then: 010716fd:3: Virtual Server '/Common/vs_sugar_crm_reverseproxy_80' cannot contain policies with conflicting controls.





I don't know what i have missing; how to correctly configure a policy with the both conditions, because the second option clearly doesn't work, so if any one could help me to figure it out, would be grate.


  • I have now start irule aproximation, this is what i am doing, however it isn't working yet:


    set default_pool [LB::server pool]

    } when HTTP_REQUEST {

    switch [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
        "/consulta_bancolombia" {
            HTTP::uri "/pruebas/consulta_bancolombia/"
            pool pool_sugar_crm_reverseproxy_80
        "/crm_calidad" {
            HTTP::uri "/pruebas/crm_calidad/" 
            pool pool_sugar_crm2_reverseproxy_80


    i think my problem is just something related to syntax, please make comments over my mistakes.

  • Hi,


    Your 2 solution were wrong.


    • Action "forward pool" must be unique
    • 2 Policies with same "controls" cannot be assigned to the same VS

    the solution is: create one policy with 2 rules...


  • i finally solved just with this syntax:

    when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { Save the name of the VS default pool set default_pool [LB::server pool] } when HTTP_REQUEST { Check the requested path with wildcard matching switch -glob [HTTP::path] {

         "/pruebas/consulta_bancolombia*" {
          /consulta_bancolombia URI
         pool pool_sugar_crm_reverseproxy_80
         "/pruebas/crm_calidad*" {
          /crm_calidad URI
         pool pool_sugar_crm2_reverseproxy_80
      default {
          non-/pruebas* URI
         pool $default_pool

    } }

    No matter if someone know how to use the profile config to achieve the same result would be great to know.