Forum Discussion

amit_128525's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 20, 2014

reverse proxy on F5

Hello we have setup in which the reverse proxy is currently configured on the internal server . We were trying to find if we can move the reverse proxy from the internal server to F5 Load balancer . can we do that if any one can share the process will be helpful


  • giltjr's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    The F5 (LTM) is basically a load balancing reverse proxy server, so yes you should be able to do this.


    Do you a F5 now?


  • we have F5 6900 , but not sure how we can use it as reverse proxy if any one can share how it can be used please


  • To Giltjr's point, the BIG-IP LTM IS as reverse proxy...that happens to also do load balancing. And by definition (roughly), a reverse proxy is a device/service that proxies requests from an unlimited number of clients to a limited number of servers. So from that perspective, a VIP (virtual server configuration) with an assigned pool (a pool of server resources) constitutes a very basic reverse proxy. The LTM is also application (protocol) aware, so it can technically be a reverse proxy at OSI layer 4 (UDP/TCP), 5/6 (SSL), and 7 (HTTP/FTP/SMTP/etc.).


  • thanks for reply , I understand that F5 functionallity is kind of reverse proxy , but our setup which we have is internet user hits our website which has VS on on our F5 which redirects the request to pool of server which work as reverse proxy .


    We were confused do we need to have these physical servers working as RP if F5 is capable of doing it


  • We were confused do we need to have these physical servers working as RP if F5 is capable of doing it


    You don't need a reverse proxy behind the LTM. Your pool of servers, assigned to the VIP, should just be your web servers.


    On another note, I think it's also important to reflect on the word "redirect" in your statement. The word "redirect", especially with HTTP, means something specifically as it relates to communication flow. An HTTP redirect is the issuance of a 30x type message that tells the client to make a new request to a different URL. No traffic passes through the proxy. In the absence of a redirect, traffic passes (or is "forwarded") through the proxy to the pool of server resources.


  • Thanks allot for reply , if any one can share how to configure reverse proxy on an F5 6900 LTM 10.2.4


  • thansk for reply , we already have F5 on other site from where we can pick up the config but I was not sure what configration is for reverse proxy setup


  • giltjr's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    I would talk to the team that supports the F5. The config it has is how you configure the reverse proxy.


    Basic steps:


    1) Add node(s) as needed that the F5 will act as a reverse proxy for. 2) Create a pool and add the nodes defined in 1 that the F5 will act as a reverse proxy for. 3) Create a virtual sever that will be the what the end users will connect to and make the default pool the pool created in 2.