Oct 21, 2011Cirrostratus
Reverse Monitor and Pool Member Recovery
I have constructed a monitor to check a simple page and look for the string "up" in the response. Here's the sanitized definition:
ltm monitor http reverse {
defaults-from http
destination *:*
interval 5
recv "up"
reverse enabled
send "GET /monitor.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
time-until-up 0
timeout 6
In normal mode (i.e. "Reverse" is not enabled), I can change the text and the monitor goes up/down as I expect. Then when I enable the "Reverse" parameter while the page contains "up", the member gets marked down as I expect. However when I then change the HTML to "down" in Reverse mode, the member does not recover.
The doc doesn't really specifically describe what happens when a Reverse monitor recovers, but it seems logical to me that a monitor in Reverse mode should recover when the test fails. Am I not understanding now Reverse mode works? The only think I could find is SOL10443, but I am running 10.2.0.