Forum Discussion

kridsana's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Sep 02, 2015

Restore UCS from 10.1 to 11.2 fail

Hi everyone

I've problem when I try to restore ucs v.10.1 to F5 v.11.2.1 and below is my issue

This is result from tmsh load sys config

Sep 2 16:43:43 bigip1 err mcpd[6396]: 01070920:3: Application error for confpp: Syntax OK The certificate does not match the key. To change them try 'tmsh modify sys httpd { ssl-certfile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt ssl-certkeyfile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/server.key }' ************************************************************* Sep 2 16:43:43 confpp[15748]: syntax check command FAILURE for unix_config_httpd returned: '2304'

Problem is 1. big3d daemon is alway restarting 2. httpd daemon can't start so we can't access SSH or GUI (console still working)

Did anyone experience this before?

Thank you very much

  • this is like my problem but with little differrent symptom
  • Why don't you back down the version to 10.1 with what every hot fix and then go through the upgrade process, it will more than likely have no issues, unless you have data groups referencing network that are not on the classful boundary, I have also seen issues with external monitors you may have to delete and recreate once you upgrade. Hope this helps.


  • depending on the config a SCF file might also be enough to do this migration.