Forum Discussion

jnewbold_297480's avatar
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Nov 02, 2016

Removing Session Affinity via iControlREST

Hello, I can successfully modify a virtual server's persist array via an HTTP PUT by sending a JSON persist object (e.g.: '"persist": [{"name": "cookie","partition": "Common","tmDefault": "yes"}]') to the virtual server's endpoint (e.g.: ) and that works fine. The documentation has sections for adding/modifying resources, but not specifically unsetting them, with the possible exception of sending an HTTP DELETE, which seems to remove the entire virtual server object. I can't pass a blank persist object (I've tried). I can't set name to "None", also tried that.


Do I pull the entire JSON of the virtual server, remove persist, and resend? If that's the case, does that disrupt access to the virtual server? Otherwise, how do I unset this property via iControl?


(To clarify, this is in BIG-IP 11.6.0 Build 1.0.403 Hotfix HF1)


  • Nevermind, the answer was: PUT {"persist": null} and that unset the property.