Forum Discussion

soymanue's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 20, 2013

Regexp question

I want to build and iRule witch "SWITCH" command to make an URI based redirection.


If we have y would need to redirect this way



if URI is "/marketing" or "/marketing/" -> Redirection 1



if URI is "/accounting" or "/accounting/" -> Redirection 2



if URI is "/humanresources" or "/humanresources/" -> Redirection 2



How would you check with regexp if a string is client1, client1/ . Something like client1[ "/ ", ]


Even better How would you check this:


















I was thinking abut inserting a final "/" if the string doesn'f end with one.



  • You don't even need a regex for something like this. Just use the -glob option of the switch command:

    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
         "/marketing*" { pool marketing_pool }
         "/accounting*" { pool accounting_pool }
         "/humanresources*" { pool hr_pool }
         default { pool default_pool }

  • Hi


    Thanks for your help but it's a bit more complicated:


    Department => 16 different values


    Language => 4 different values


    /Department -> /marketing/es/particulares/


    /Department/ -> /marketing/es/particulares/


    /Department/Language > > /marketing/en/particulares/


    /Department/Language/ -> /marketing/en/particulares/


    /Department/Language/ -> no reditection



  • I think the switch -glob would still probably work, as long as you search from most specific to least specific.










