Forum Discussion

heskez_36146's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 13, 2013

Redirection multiple URLS

Hi, We've two websites and We'd like an Irule which redirects to: GoWest -> and GoSouth -> Therefore We've build an iru...
  • Richard__Harlan's avatar
    Nov 13, 2013

    I would just do the switch statment and not the switch and the if statment. The redirects in the if statments should not be https://https. The problem with the switch statment is you are doing a string tolower but then are matching on a string with Caps. It would also be good in troubleshooting to add a log statement showing what you are matching.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    set RequestedPath [string tolower [HTTP::path]]
    log local0. "RequestedPath = $Requestedpath" 
    switch $RequestedPath
         HTTP::redirect ""
         HTTP::redirect ""